Year 5

Please click on the links below to get more information as to what pupils will be studying across each curriculum each term:

Annual Themed Topics




Subject intent

The below highlights the intent behind each subject in Year 5, including the knowledge and skills we aspire for pupils to achieve.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 English curriculum intends for pupils to develop their love of reading, writing and discussion. We intend to support pupils to develop confidence and the grammatical skills needed to read and write cohesively.  By creating an engaging environment based on a variety of texts, we encourage pupils’ natural curiosity, inspiring them to become lifelong learners with a positive attitude towards reading and writing.  Through developing their English skills pupils will go on to be confident when sharing and expressing themselves through verbal and written methods.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Maths curriculum intends to embed key mathematical skills so that pupils can become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically, and problem solve by applying their skills and knowledge. We intend to build on pupils’ confidence enabling them to apply their mathematical understanding with more standardised approaches and become fluent in the application of mathematical concepts. This in turn supports them to recognise the real-life situations where mathematical competence is a necessary and important, real-life skill.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Science curriculum continues to encourage pupils to be inquisitive and to develop their curiosity about the universe. Learning extends and enhances their scientific enquiry skills: classifying, comparing and contrasting, predicting, making models, gathering data, measuring, observing. Our skills-based focus intends to develop the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Art curriculum intends to give pupils opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas and demonstrate their creativity using a variety of materials building on skills previously taught. Pupils will be able to express their views, preferences and observations of different genres with confidence. Pupils will continue to develop their critical thinking and evaluation skills justifying their opinions. Moreover, it enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them whilst engaging and inspiring them.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Computing curriculum intends for pupils to explore, analyse and present information in different ways, this enables pupils to think about how information is used, stored and interpreted. This allows pupils to be computer literate and to use computing skills to develop the confidence to be creative thinkers and learners in a variety of real-life contexts. The curriculum aims to build computing experiences which prepares pupils to live safely in a digital society and to be flexible and resilient to cope with technology that is always changing and advancing.

Design and Technology (DT)

At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 DT curriculum intends is to explore pupils’ creativity and inventiveness so they can express their unique ideas as individuals. The DT curriculum includes Graphic Design, Textiles and Cooking lessons which intend to provide pupils the opportunity to become innovative, enterprising and resourceful. The aim of the curriculum is that pupils will be inspired by Engineers, Designers, Chefs and Architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, electrical systems and food products with a real-life purpose. This gives the pupils inspiration for future careers in this field.


The Key Stage 2 Geography curriculum intends to inform pupils about the enormity of our world. The curriculum encourages pupils to use maps and atlases so that pupils can develop an understanding of different countries, continents, seas and oceans. Through studying the natural and human environments, as well as physical and human processes, the curriculum aims to provide pupils with a sense of awe and wonder about the world they live in, building a sense of curiosity and asking questions so that they are keen to continue learning about the world in Key Stage 3.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 History curriculum intends to create in the pupils a sense of interest and enjoyment in this subject, while further developing their understanding of important historical events and people, and developing skills such as critical thinking, analysing evidence and discussing opposing points of view.  The curriculum intends to provide pupils with opportunities to extend their abilities to nurture their opinions and make judgements concerning things which happened in the past, and to enjoy the rich trove of stories which make up our history.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Horticulture curriculum intends for pupils to continue on their adventure into the natural world. It is intended that pupils will build on their basic skills and knowledge in the production of food crops. The curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to demonstrate their confidence, patience, perseverance, resilience and mental wellbeing in a safe outdoor space. The curriculum will enable pupils to explore the relationships between living things and the environment, whilst promoting independent thinking and learning.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 PSHE Curriculum intends to promote self-awareness of pupils’ personal development and social interactions. Pupils are encouraged to listen, talk, and reflect on the topics explored and to understand and respect a range of different views and opinions. It is intended that pupils begin to recognise their place and influence in the world around them and how to use this positively, whilst developing skills and attributes such as resilience, confidence, teamwork, risk management and critical thinking.

Religious Education (RE)

At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 RE curriculum intends to provide pupils with opportunities to explore a variety of religions that are reflective of our local community, while building on prior knowledge and skills. Pupils are encouraged to reflect of their own religious beliefs and those of others, including those who do not follow a religion. Respect and understanding are embedded in the curriculum and ethos while promoting the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of our pupils. This in turn supports pupils to become tolerant and inclusive members of society.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 2 Spanish curriculum intends to ignite a love for language learning.  Our pupils are exposed to a foreign language, focusing on building a strong foundation in Spanish vocabulary and basic grammar, fostering effective communication skills. Our intentions are to instil an appreciation for diverse cultures, for pupils to broaden their horizons and develop their confidence so that they are better able to communicate in preparation for life in multi-cultural Britain.
