Years 1 & 2

Please click on the links below to get more information as to what pupils will be studying across each curriculum each term:

Annual Themed Topics 




Subject intent

The below highlights the intent behind each subject in Years 1 & 2, including the knowledge and skills we aspire for pupils to achieve.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 English curriculum intends for pupils to develop their love of reading, writing and discussion. Our structured synthetic phonics programme, intends to support pupils to develop confidence and the skills needed to read and write cohesively.  By creating an immersive experience, we cultivate pupils’ natural curiosity, inspiring them to become lifelong learners with a positive attitude towards reading and writing.  Through developing their English skills pupils will go on to be confident when sharing and expressing themselves.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Maths curriculum intends to embed key mathematical skills so that pupils can become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically, and problem solve by applying their skills and knowledge. We intend to build on pupils’ natural curiosity about the world by exploring mathematical concepts through play and creative experiences helping them to make connections between maths and everyday life. This in turn helps them to develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. We aim to develop pupils’ mathematical vocabulary when solving problems.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Science curriculum intends to encourage pupils to be inquisitive and to foster their curiosity about the universe by asking and answering questions. Learning is based around scientific enquiry skills: classifying, comparing and contrasting, predicting, gathering data, measuring, observing. We intend for our pupils to be equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Art curriculum intends to give pupils opportunities to express themselves whilst exploring a range of media and art in the environment. The Art curriculum engages and inspires pupils to invent and create their own works of art, through exploration of different artists. Pupils will develop their critical thinking and evaluation skills.  Through exposure to different artists and techniques, pupils will develop and extend creative and expressive elements and be provided with opportunities for them to express their individual thoughts, interests and ideas. Moreover, it enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Computing curriculum intends to inform and inspire pupils living in a digital world. Pupils will understand the importance of using technology in their daily lives for work and leisure. We aim to ensure pupils can use technology safely and are exposed to a range of devices found in the modern world. Through developing their understanding of online safety and allowing them to access devices and programs, we intend to support them in an ever-changing digital society.

Design & Technology (DT)

At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 DT curriculum intends is to explore pupils’ creativity and imagination so that they can express themselves in a variety of ways. Reflection and critical thinking skills are developed through the research, refine, create and evaluate model as part of class projects. The aim of this is to develop pupils’ problem-solving skills, trial and error processes, to improve their work and take pride in it. The curriculum also intends to improve pupils’ life skills are enhanced by the opportunity to explore practical experiences using equipment safely.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Geography curriculum intends to create a lifelong love of the subject by encouraging pupils to become curious about the UK with a specific focus on our local community. Pupils will go on a journey learning about their community, diverse places within their community, local history, and local people. The curriculum aims for pupils to develop a connection and love for their community and the  UK as a whole.  The curriculum intends to foster a deep connection to the UK gaining knowledge about the human and natural environments, encouraging pupils to ask questions and develop their enquiry skills so that pupils can ask questions about the world.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 History curriculum intends to foster in the pupils a sense of curiosity about their own history, as well as that of the local area. The curriculum will enable them to develop an understanding of important figures and events. It is intended that the pupils will think critically and discuss evidence as they develop a sense of wonder and interest about both past and present and start to understand their place in the chronology of the world in which they live


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 Horticulture curriculum intends for pupils to go on an adventure into the natural world. The curriculum will introduce pupils to the basic skills and knowledge in the production of food crops. The curriculum intends to provide pupils with the opportunity to nurture their wellbeing in a safe, outdoor space so that they can develop their confidence, patience and perseverance. The curriculum will enable pupils to explore the relationships between living things and the environment, whilst promoting independent thinking and learning.


At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 PSHE curriculum intends to promote self-awareness of pupils’ personal development and social interactions. Pupils are encouraged to listen, talk, and reflect on the topics explored and to show respect for views that may differ from their own. It is intended that pupils should begin to recognise their place and influence in the world around them and to show this positively. The curriculum seeks to promote the school values of respect and equality through topics taught, as well as day to day social interactions with their peers.

Religious Education (RE)

At NRHS, the Key Stage 1 RE curriculum intends to expose pupils to a variety of religions and beliefs while describing their own perspectives on faith, including those who do not follow a religion. Respect and understanding are embedded in the curriculum and ethos while promoting the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of our pupils. This in turn supports pupils to become tolerant and inclusive members of society. The RE curriculum intends for pupils to appreciate and value how different faiths are represented in the lives and practices of its followers and how this is applied in real life.

