RPA Careers Event

Year 11 pupils at New Rush Hall School were given the opportunity to visit a careers event in Havering that had a range of University, College and Apprenticeship providers from various industries. One pupil said, “I felt anxious at first but as the day went on, I felt more and more comfortable.”

Pupils were given the opportunity to explore and ask questions with providers that suited their chosen pathways. Our most senior pupil said, “It was really actually good, the Barber course really caught my eye.”

The aim of this trip was to highlight the options available to pupils Post -6 and to educate them about how to achieve their goals. One pupil who was quite unsure about the trip before attending said, “ I received a lot of good advice that has really sunk in with me.”

All pupils agreed that the event has helped them understand their options
better and they enjoyed it, which is exactly what we had hoped for.
